Teslights starts mounting LED lamps in Brazil

The American Teslights, specializing in energy management services, starts in September the production of LED lamps in Brazil. With investments of US $ 5 million (equivalent to slightly more than R $ 16 million), the unit located in Jundiaí (SP), will have the capacity to assemble 100,000 lamps per shift per month. This is the third plant of the company, which has another unit of its kind in China and a factory energy management equipment in Spain.
"What we did was replicate our business model and bring our factory [for Brazil] to avoid risks. We manufacture with Brazilian labor and local content," said the president of Teslights, Fernando Cancela, who was last week in Brazil for meetings with clients. "This is an initial investment. We believe that the company will have greater investment, which will accompany the development of the company in Brazil," added the executive.
Investment in operations in Brazil is part of the Teslights strategy, which requires the country to become the second largest market for the company, behind only the United States, and accounts for 30% of the company's global revenues. Currently the total turnover of the company is approximately US $ 40 million (as much as $ 130 million).
"Here in Brazil, there is a very timely fit for us. The cost of energy is high. Technological obsolescence is also high and the economic situation in Brazil today is the companies have the need to reduce costs," said Cancela, adding that energy cost in Brazil is five times larger than the United States.
According to him, the own production of LED lamps allows the company to expand the customization and enhance the performance of energy efficiency projects for customers - the main business of the company. The lamps are part of an intelligent remote management system that allows management of any electrical device and data transmission to any existing information protocol.
The company already has agreements with companies in Brazil. According Cancela, among the potential company's customers are chains of retail stores, construction, road engineering companies, chain of fast food restaurants, among others. The Teslights provides that the energy efficiency market in the world to reach the $ 425 billion mark in the next ten years.
Full note in portuguese in the following link: